February 23, 2025

Achieving a major milestone in the field of surgery, doctors at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) in Lucknow performed a rare scarless surgery of the thyroid gland, on Monday. The surgery was performed on a 35-year old patient. The Transoral Scarless Surgery is the first-of-its-kind procedure to be carried out by medical robots in India.

What makes this surgery rare is that it is a scar free robotic surgery. The conventional thyroid surgery leaves a mark around the neck, but the robotic surgeries support a slight aesthetic relief by ensuring that the neck remains scar-free and leaves a scar near the armpit. However, the robotic procedure using the armpit route also leads to problems in the movement of the hand. In a bid to make this surgery more refined and scar-free, SGPGI doctors used this minimally-invasive procedure via the transoral route that is completely scar free.

Transoral robotic surgery gives the surgeon an enhanced view of the local site and surrounding tissue. A robotic system to guide the surgical tools also allows more-precise movements in tiny spaces and the capability to work around the corners. When compared with more-traditional procedures, transoral robotic surgery tends to result in a quicker recovery and fewer complications for the patients.

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