January 22, 2025

Heart is undoubtedly the most important part of our body, and believe it or not, our everyday activities have a direct impact on our heart health. A sudden increase in heart patients have been seen in the recent past, and shockingly, the heart diseases is spreading in the younger generation as well. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women. With over 30 million heart patients in India, more than 50% people who died of heart diseases were men. However, the heart problems are increasing tremendously in women as well. Out of the 30 million people, 14 million reside in urban areas, while the other 16 million in rural areas. The disease is usually seen in 45 years old; however, people in their late twenties and early thirties are also facing the same problems.

Dr. T.S. Kler, Chairman, PSRI Heart Institute said today your Heart is under attack from several quarters – Stress, Pollution, Smoking, Unhealthy eating habits is some of the biggest enemies of heart. In such a scenario, it is very important to quickly catch the symptoms of heart-related ailments and to get the disease to diagnose at earliest. Our heartis very important and needs special care, and in order to strengthen our heart, we need to immediately rectify our disturbed lifestyle. It is pertinent to maintain a healthy body in order to keep a healthy heart, hence it is imperative not to be careless towards it.

Along with the increasing patients, the increases in the treatment options have also been seen. The healthcare industry has become more dedicated to reduce this increasing number. This World Heart Day, you must know what can put you to a heart risk, and how to avoid it. Here are some things to keep in mind if you want a healthy heart.

Most of the people develop heart disease at an early age because of their unhealthy eating habits. Dr. Amar Singhal, Senior Interventional Cardiologist and Head Department of Cardiology, Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute says “Now a days heart disease has escalated more among the younger generation with a significant risk in both genders. More and more number of young populations is suffering from coronary artery disease, and if this continues the future looks even more dangerous. Five years ago, we hardly saw young patients with heart problems. But now, we get many cases where people in the 25-35 age groups are diagnosed with heart disease. According to a study over 70 per cent of the urban Indian population is at a risk of being diagnosed with some or the other heart disease. This is mainly due to unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity and stress.”

Food however is one of the main reasons why people develop heart problems. Foods that cause digestion problems should be avoided. There are people who frequently over eat, this doesn’t only take them to obesity, but also causes heart problems in the long run. The easy availability of junk food is making people lazy, and taking them towards heart diseases. One must always try to find the healthier alternative to the junk food for a healthier heart. Here are some things you can add or remove from your daily diet for a healthier heart.

You must avoid:

  • Fried Food
  • Milk Products
  • Acidic Foods
  • Cold/Frozen Food
  • White Flour
  • Red Meat


You must Eat:

  • Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables
  • Whole meal Bread
  • Salad
  • Sprouts
  • Buttermilk
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Indian Gooseberry or Amla


Another major reason behind cardiac diseases is Stress. According to Dr. Mitesh B Sharma, Director – Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery, Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, “Stress is an important risk factor for heart disease, as studies also link stress to changes in the way blood clots, which increases the risk of heart attack. In today’s fast-paced life poor habits like taking excessive Richey, sugary & salty foods, lack of exercise, smoking, and stress are major reasons for Heart disease.  We are also affected by peer pressure, Traffic, Pollution which leads to unwarranted stress. As per a study, stress is one of the major reasons for cardiac arrest. Smoking for some becomes an outlet to de-stress while others use pills or consume alcohol to relax; this has an adverse effect on the body.


Yoga programs and meditation along with jogging and playing sports can help to control stress.  Also, we at Dharamshila Narayana Hospital on the occasion of World Heart Dayare organizing a free mega heart check-up camp which will include Echo Screening, TMT, ECG, etc; our aim is to raise awareness among the masses about prevention and early detection of Heart disease


There are a lot of people who are diagnosed with heart problems which they have had since years. The disease which could have been cured remains undiagnosed and increases over the years. This puts the patients at a heavy risk of heart attacks and strokes. One must get a complete body checkup every 6-12 months to avoid the possibility of any serious disease. Regular checkups also tell you if you are deficient in any nutrition. You can have supplements, or add things to your diet to maintain the nutritional balance. Nutritional deficiencies often put your heart at a risk of stroke.

If your family history puts you to a risk of heart disease, you must be careful from the very beginning. Doing small lifestyle changes and stopping unhealthy eating habits can help you in avoiding heart problems. Apart from this, being physically active is very important. “I have seen so many patients, who have developed heart problems just because of lack of physical activity. People prefer easy life avoid exercise and continue taking high fat and high carbohydrate diet. That results in excess fat deposition all over the body including arteries supplying the heart muscles. Mental stress and hectic life style with little relaxation further add on to heart problems.

You must contribute to protecting your heart health at all times. Your heart plays a very important role in keeping you up and running, any problem with the heart can put to a life risk. This Heart Day, cross your heart to healthy lifestyle, for a healthy heart.



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