March 6, 2025
Rahul 1

Mr. Rahul Chaudhary, is currently Deputy Manager (IVD Business) and looking after entire sales & marketing operations and P & L of IVD business across INDIA, that mainly consists of Hematology instruments, reagents including controls etc. He shared his insightful industry learnings and advise for the doctors on how to select or choose hematology technology

He has around a decade of rich experience in IVD industry and is well appreciated and known for his customer friendly and ethical approach in selling to medical professionals. He has always achieved 100% targets and also managed sales and service team during his career. He is not just a sales expert but has good hold and strong commitment towards customer service and well-versed with all technical aspects of hematology technology.

Q1: Please share how the “Hematology analyzers” are evolving especially during these pandemic times, when laboratory testing is getting critical for any infectious disease treatment?

A1: Hematology is a basic need of any medical testing lab. I would say that it is a back-bone of any type, size or level of diagnostic lab. This makes Hematology analyzer “must have” instrument for any testing facility.

That is why manufacturers and suppliers of technology are also finding new ways to sell the instrument using various tactics, stories and explanations to convince pathologists and laboratory technicians.

However, actual evolution in technology is happening very slow and steady because most of the manufacturers are just adding superficial features, which are not very useful to the lab, this confuses the lab person in making buying decision.

I think by giving new name to old things does not make any difference to the practical utility of a CBC parameter.

Customer awareness is required as some of the old and outdated products are just running in the market because pathologist or laboratory staff is not aware of new and better technology availability.

When customer is empowered, I believe evolution will be better. 

Q2: Is there any difference between CBC testing and Complete Hemogram? Why industry uses term CBC more than complete hemogram?

A2: yes, there is a huge difference between CBC & Complete Hemogram. Most of the instruments are capable of only CBC testing, which is not bad, but with evolving disease scenario and pandemics, it is always better to go with complete hemogram i.e. CBC + ESR.

Since introduction of Hematology analyzer, CBC is the main test that is provided by these instruments and for other important blood analysis parameters like ESR, they are done manually or through some other technology separately. Thus, Complete hemogram is never considered in hematology analyzers together.

ESR is actually a non-specific but an important chronic disease marker that is reported by and asked by “more than 80%” physicians together as CBC + ESR gives better clinical picture of the patient. This helps in holistic patient care management and selecting better treatment protocol.

Q3: What are the players available in hematology 3-part in India? As a young sales leader, how is your experience with different hematology technologies?

A3: Currently, in India different companies including Indian, Japanese, Chinese, US are promoting their hematology technology and I have experience of working with most of them.

What I personally found is that, it is not about which country is manufacturing the instrument, but it is more important that which company understands need of Indian laboratories. How they position their product and what is the solution they provide based on laboratory requirement.

I have worked with Avantor, HORIBA and also given service to various other brands in field and currently working with NIHON KOHDEN and found that basics remain same but understanding the needs of pathologist and lab technician is what makes difference for any brand.

I would say, every product sells to certain extent, but every product is not success. Survival of product is not the proof that product is good or durable for Indian market. It is more about how strong is your support and understanding of Indian market needs, which is product durability, sturdiness, less break-down, accurate results, less operational cost etc.

Many products are just getting returned back by customer and customer changes it within 3 months which is actually because it was sold purely on wrong promises and commitments, which I feel is not the right strategy for any good brand.

Sell value, add value to lab and do not commit anything that you cannot deliver.

Q4: NIHON KOHDEN India has recently launched MEK1300 series. Can you explain what it is unique and new in this series and what differentiates it from conventional hematology technology?

A4: MEK1300 series is a recently launched 3-part hematology series, which is a patented technology of NIHON KOHDEN JAPAN. This product is designed considering requirement of Indian laboratories, because it has all the facilities and fulfil expectations of Indian pathology laboratories.

MEK1300 series has two models in India, MEK1301 & MEK1305. If we talk about unique features – strong hardware, less operational cost, sturdy and less space consuming design and most important better accuracy and clinical parameters, least human intervention to run the instrument are some of the important things that this technology provides.

I would like to highlight – MEK1305 is the world’s 1st 3-part that provides Complete Hemogram i.e. CBC + ESR that too in just 3 minutes. This feature is especially a boon for Indian labs, where time is scarcest resource with our pathologists.

Also, you need just 80 microlitre of EDTA whole blood to test CBC along with ESR, which enhances patient experience as conventional ESR requires separate sample and that too in separate tube, which is cost and time consuming for the lab.

Operational cost can be reduced to great extent through this technology, especially if laboratories sample load is between 20 to 100 samples.

Using this technology laboratories can perform ESR in just around Rupee 1, which is revolutionary for hematology market of India.

I would just like to say to all laboratory owners & experts, to just try out and see the results, as by experience they will realize, how important it is to update the technology to enhance patient experience with less cost.  

Q5: Can you suggest, “how a laboratory should decide, which hematology analyzer to buy? Can you share some tips as an experienced industry expert?

A5: I would like to request all pathologists, laboratory technicians and lab owners, please do not take buying decision just based on “Instrument Price & Free of Cost Reagents.”

A good & ethical brand with keep its prices least flexible, because they understand their product and they never compromise on quality of a product or a reagent. Those companies which lure or attract customers especially small laboratories based on reducing the price of instrument, which is actually an indirect gimmick, to sell mostly the outdated technology, high-break down instrument, issue in particular parameter or under certain conditions, less efficient service support or most important they disappoint customer when the same product sold to other labs with less price.

A good brand is always ethical, equally good and loyal to its customers and distributors.

I would suggest 4 important points to consider and understand when buying hematology instrument:

  1. Firstly, most important factor, I would say is “ask as much detail about the technology” as possible.
  2. Secondly, ask for break-down record of the instrument, and ask for the oldest installation and if possible, ask for the contact and talk to that lab.
  3. Thirdly, hematology analyzer has mostly issue with Platelet count and it is important to know, how instrument corrects or manages the same.
  4. Fourth, look for operational cost in depth, as most companies quote less quote per test, but if you actually calculate you will find CPT i.e. cost per test is very high.

This can be done in many ways as technically most sales people do not disclose actual calculation of CPT because they do not want customer to know the actual reagent consumption, which I personally think customer should be empowered and given correct information always.

I personally always share complete and accurate information with all my customers and I feel proud to share that I train and educate my sales team to do the same.

Q5:  What is your leadership philosophy for sales, especially for medical technology industry?

A5: I personally believe, leadership is not about that I know everything and try doing everything on my own, it is more about that people are happy, satisfied and feel trust and confidence being under your supervision.

If I want to do everything on my own, I am not a leader but a salesman. I believe in empowering people and try to follow the same as much as possible.  

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